Your voice is part of the story
Your donation allows us to make these productions come true.
Then again, these stories allow us to gain larger fundings to donate back to the poor and needy.
In other words, you help write their stories!
Undistorted NPO
IBAN account number: BE56 0689 5043 1588
Description: One-time/monthly donation
Your donation is used to fund mission trips to persecuted Christians.
We also fund several initiatives of local partners ( whom we have personally visited) which offer hopeful solutions.
Recommend us to family and friends.
Invite us to your church.
Talk about us on social media.
Pray for wisdom, lots of wisdom.
Yes indeed, we would love to come and introduce ourselves in your church.
Feel free to get in touch to see if this project suits the vision of your church.
All our productions appear on our channels (Youtube, instagram). So be sure to keep a close eye on them!